Day 4 世界で一番美しい湖畔:【世界遺産】ハルシュタット





 ザルツブルグは厚い雲に覆われていましたが、天気予報によれば午後からは晴れるとのこと。そして、ハルシュタットに到着すると、まるでマイルールのように雲が切れて、太陽が顔を出してくれました!(笑) 撮影隊としては、晴れが必要なときに晴れてくれるのは、まさに幸運な出来事で、こうしてブログやYouTubeでシェアすることがより楽しくなります!


雲があるからこその風景。湖面が鏡のように。I'm speechless.

(合成ではありません! 笑)


 この息を呑むような景色を堪能した後、私たちは旧市街の石畳の小道へと足を進めました。各自での昼食の時間ではありましたが、添乗員さんが教会や歴史的建造物を案内してくれるということに! 喜んでその申し出に乗りました。




 さて、まだ時間があります。夕食はしっかりと食事をするので、ランチは軽くしておいた方がいいのでは? とのこと。ハルシュタットはオーバーツーリズム状態で混雑しており、ランチ難民になりそうになったので、結局、広場の並びにある、収容人数が多そうなホテルに併設されたカフェへ入ることに。添乗員さんと、私、母、70代の女性お友達同士と一緒になりました。


















Day 5 :メルク修道院~クルーズ~デュルンシュタインへ 続く。

Day 4 The World's Most Beautiful Lakeside: [World Heritage] Hallstatt

On the fourth day of our journey, we left Bad Ischl for Salzburg and bought the all-too-famous Mozart chocolates from a long-established store. In the afternoon, we stepped into Hallstatt, where the splendor of a World Heritage site unfolds.

Located in the Salzkammergut region of Austria, Hallstatt is a picturesque lakeside village famous for its breathtaking scenery and historic buildings. It is also known as the inspiration for the kingdom of Arendelle in "Frozen," and there is even a replica village in China modeled after this village.

The desire to see the real Hallstatt has drawn visitors from China, leading to a state of "overtourism." To preserve tranquility, restrictions on the use of selfie sticks have resulted in the creation of wooden fences at scenic spots, which, after much controversy on social media, have now been removed, I hear.

Indeed, during this trip, we often encountered travelers from China and Korea, but we hardly saw any Japanese.

Salzburg was covered in thick clouds, but the weather forecast promised clear skies by the afternoon. And indeed, upon our arrival in Hallstatt, the clouds parted as if by magic, and the sun graced us with its presence! (laughs) For us, a filming crew, having clear weather when needed is truly a stroke of luck, making it even more enjoyable to share our experiences on the blog and YouTube!

It was so beautiful that I just went "Wow---!!!"

There's an indescribable atmosphere. The clouds contribute to the scenery.

The lake surface was like a mirror. I'm speechless. (And no, it's not a composite! laughs)

In the video, you can see the glittering reflection of light, and it's fantastically captivating!

After enjoying this breathtaking view, we moved on to the cobblestone alleys of the old town. It was time for lunch on our own, but the tour guide offered to show us around the church and historic buildings! I gladly took up the offer.

In the old town, narrow streets and historic buildings line up, making it a fun place for walking and shopping. It is also famous for the Hallstatt Salt Mine, and there were shops selling salt.

■ To the Catholic Church

It was a beautiful church with lovely stained glass. Around it, there was a cemetery and a charnel house, and a place called the Beinhaus (Bone House). It seems that painted skulls are displayed inside a small chapel, which is a custom seen in certain areas of Austria. But I decided to pass on the skulls. (laughs)

Now, we still have some time. Since we will have a substantial dinner, perhaps it would be wise to keep lunch light? That's what they said. Hallstatt is experiencing overtourism and is quite crowded, making it seem like we might end up as lunch refugees, so we eventually decided to enter a cafe attached to a hotel on the square that seemed to accommodate a large number of people. I joined the tour guide, myself, my mother, and a pair of ladies in their seventies.

As usual, I was overwhelmed by the variety of coffee and cakes, but I ordered a cake that was labeled "Melange" and "Parisian." My mother and her friends each ordered different types of cakes.

It was described as Parisian, but it turned out to be a gâteau au chocolat! It was deliciously enjoyed!

It seems my mother has found a new kindred spirit. They share a common love for Clint Eastwood. The sight of my mother, blending into the circle of friends and sitting among them, speaks volumes. (laughs)

The dessert my mother chose was an apricot cream puff. A reliably delicious choice. The stylish lady sitting next to us was served an ice cream cake at a 70-degree angle, which caused an uproar of laughter. It was truly delicious, especially since she was kind enough to share it with us!

Austria seems to be a country where you can never be disappointed with cakes, and during our week-long trip, it felt as if we had eaten a year's worth of cakes. (laughs)

Furthermore, the waiter's friendly demeanor turned even mundane inquiries, like asking for the restroom, into enjoyable exchanges. German may be their mother tongue, but it seems everyone speaks English fluently.

Goodbye, and thank you for the breathtaking lakeside, Hallstatt!

"Frozen." (laughs) Although it was a brief visit, I was deeply moved by the world's most beautiful lakeside scenery, and the delicious cakes and delightful conversation at the hotel café made for a rich experience.

■ Returning to Bad Ischl (29km)

Dinner was at a traditional restaurant founded in 1618, just a five-minute walk from the hotel. The cozy, chalet-style restaurant had many deer taxidermies hanging on the walls.

For this tour, the special menu featured venison (game) as the main dish.

The dish looks appetizing in photos, but in reality, its appearance does not disappoint and hints at the deliciousness to come. Despite having indulged in sweet cakes in the afternoon, an apricot crepe made its entrance at night. The crepe, with its tangy apricot filling oozing gently, was softly enveloped by the fluffy crepe batter, and the dusting of powdered sugar added a subtly sweet accent. I had to give up halfway through the rich flavors, but my mother savored every last bite, her passion for food always surpassing mine. (laughs)

Our tour group of thirteen people connected tables, and the buzz of conversation around us was clearly audible.

By the fourth day, everyone had warmed up to each other, and my mother was deep in movie talk with a stylish lady in her seventies, a fervent Clint Eastwood fan. A senior gentleman, a movie buff who joined the tour alone, contributed to the conversation with surprising stories like having seen 'Cats' 200 times or attending 200 screenings in a year. Their exchange quickly evolved into a friendly movie trivia contest.

According to my mother, she never talked about movies this much even with her old friends, and they were truly enjoying their conversation. When they were puzzling over "what was that movie called again?" a gentleman with white hair, always wearing a hat adorned with badges from around the world, blurted out, "Papillon!" When asked if he had been listening, another round of hearty laughter ensued. Although I found it hard to keep up with the conversation, as I have only watched movies from the past decade, it was delightful to witness the joy of the over-seventies as they chatted away, and I couldn’t help but admire how they have enjoyed life.

These temporary companions, whom we would only spend time with on this tour, could keep the excitement going for hours as long as there was a common topic, even without exchanging names or setting aside the various concerns of daily life. Such moments created memorable connections that would stay in our hearts.

Day 5: Melk Abbey to Dürnstein via Cruise - To be continued.