鎌倉 Day 1 : 円覚寺~明月院~建長寺


 当初はファミリールームを予約していたホテル。二人旅となった今、こぢんまりとしたツインルームへと変更。そこはホテルというわりに、小ぢんまりとしたエントランスで、一体どうなっているの? というかんじだったのですが…。






 さて、どこに行こうか? 何も決めていなかったので、ChatGPTに鎌倉へ向かうグリーン車の中で、相談をしていました。ちなみに、電車が大混雑でグリーン車しか空いていませんでした。(笑)





1. 北鎌倉駅からスタート


2. 円覚寺


3. 明月院


4. 建長寺


5. 鶴岡八幡宮


6. 若宮大路から由比ヶ浜へ



1. 佐助稲荷神社


2. 浄智寺





**Kamakura Day 1: Engakuji - Meigetsuin - Kenchoji**

**2024.07.20 16:07**

I am currently staying in Kamakura with my mother. Last week's family trip was scheduled with the rainy season in mind, so we had set aside some backup dates just in case. However, thanks to my mother's reliable "sunny weather charm," our family trip went off without a hitch. So, for the backup dates, my mother and I decided to visit Kamakura.

Initially, we had reserved a family room at the hotel, but since it turned into a two-person trip, we changed to a cozy twin room. Despite being called a hotel, the entrance was quite small, making us wonder what the place would be like...

On the Onari Street along the Enoden Line, it felt like walking through a quaint back alley in Paris. Cute little shops lined the street, and the atmosphere was simply delightful. Among these shops stood a small hotel, almost like an apartment building. Since check-in was at 3 PM, we dropped off our luggage, enjoyed freshly brewed iced coffee from the free drink machine in the lobby, and then set out to find a place for lunch.

At the hotel reception, there was a guide for recommended restaurants. My mother was intrigued by a place named "Shokudo" (dining hall).

As we walked along Onari Street, we saw the sign for "Shokudo." The name evoked a retro vibe, creating a space where time seemed to intertwine in a mysterious way.

The frosted glass skylight and lamps from the early Showa period cast a soft light on the Scandinavian-style furniture. The interior, a perfect blend of retro and modern, was absolutely charming!

My mother chose the two-color rice bowl, while I opted for the classic ginger pork. When the dishes arrived, their beauty was astonishing. The vegetable tempura that accompanied my mother's bowl was particularly impressive. The vegetables, described as "local produce," were so large and prominent that they made us open our eyes wide in surprise. When we tasted them, they were even more delicious than they looked. Seeing my mother's satisfied expression, I was sure of it. (laughs)

So, where should we go next? Having no specific plans, I consulted ChatGPT on the green car heading to Kamakura. By the way, the train was so crowded that only the green car had available seats. (laughs)

**My prompt was as follows:**

Me: I'm going to explore Kamakura now, but it's too hot, so please create a cool route.

GPT: I've come up with a cool walking route in Kamakura. It mainly involves walking through nature, with plenty of shade and cool breezes.

### Cool Walking Route in Kamakura

1. Start from Kita-Kamakura Station

It's less crowded than Kamakura Station and rich in nature.

2. Engakuji Temple

There are many large trees providing shade, making it a cool place. The gardens within the temple are also beautiful and calming.

3. Meigetsuin Temple

Known as the "Hydrangea Temple," it has plenty of shade and is surrounded by greenery. There's also a bamboo grove where you can feel a cool breeze.

4. Kenchoji Temple

The expansive grounds have many trees, allowing you to enjoy nature. It's a quiet place to spend some time.

5. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

There are many shaded areas, making it a cool place. Walking around the pond or relaxing in the shrine grounds is also recommended.

6. From Wakamiya Oji to Yuigahama

The approach road of Wakamiya Oji has many trees, allowing you to walk in the shade. Finally, if you go to Yuigahama, you can feel the cool sea breeze.

### Additional Cool Spots

1. Sasuke Inari Shrine

A shrine surrounded by greenery, it’s a quiet and cool place.

2. Jochiji Temple

Located in the mountains, it has cool breezes. There are also caves for a bit of adventure.

With this route, you'll find many shaded and green areas, allowing you to enjoy Kamakura while avoiding the heat. Don't forget to stay hydrated and enjoy a comfortable walk.

Following this plan, we spent about four hours exploring stops 1 to 4. As ChatGPT suggested, they were indeed cool and refreshing places. (laughs)

Stay tuned for the continuation in the next post...