SHOGUN にハマるまでの作業。

 先日、リアルタイム配信に追いつきたくて5時間を一気見しました。全体的にどんなストーリーかは把握できましたが、第6話について人に説明できないレベルでの理解に、自分で愕然としました。そのほかにも映画3本:『哀れなるものたち』・『マエストロ』・『PERFECT DAYS』も2日間で観ており、なぜか修行の日々になっていたのもあるでしょう。








The Process of Getting Hooked on SHOGUN.

Recently, I found myself trying to catch up with a live broadcast and ended up binge-watching 5 hours straight. While I grasped the overall storyline, I was shockingly unable to explain what happened in Episode 6 at all. On top of that, I watched 3 movies - "The Wretched," "Maestro," and "PERFECT DAYS" - over two days, which probably turned those days into a sort of intense training session. 

So, yesterday I decided to rewatch Episodes 1 to 4 all over again. Reviewing has become almost a routine for me, and I don't find it a burden at all. Watching everything for the second time made me understand the content so much better, and it clicked why this could become popular internationally. 

The mentality of the Japanese, with their virtues of hiding true feelings, volunteering for seppuku, or accepting fate, might be unimaginable to foreigners. 

The sharp sound and movement of metal during combat scenes with samurai in traditional attire, unlike gunshots, and the way high-ranking women carry themselves look so cool. Considering the frequent earthquakes, Japan's wooden architectural homes, the simplicity of castles, and the minimalism of only taking out futons for sleeping or using a small individual tray for meals seem almost otherworldly from a foreign perspective. I bet there are those who'd want to emulate the lifestyle of living with just a single tray! (Laughs) 

Furthermore, the conversations among foreigners in the drama seem to use rough language, as do the samurai. It's as if it stirs the blood of those with Latin heritage.

On the other hand, for the Japanese, the story of an Englishman, Will Adams (inspired by Tokugawa Ieyasu's favor towards William Adams), who drifts ashore and becomes a samurai, represents a fascinating piece of international exchange from about 400 years ago. Connecting the dots with historical terms learned in Japanese history lessons becomes an educational experience. Learning about the interactions with Portugal, the Netherlands, and Christianity during the Azuchi-Momoyama period is equally intriguing. 

Thanks to the impressive presence of the actors' performances, Japanese viewers find the way of life portrayed by the characters to be very cool. Contrary to the stereotype that Japanese people can't say "No," it's not about being unable to refuse; rather, it's their attitude of acceptance and the strength of their will that are highlighted and come to the fore.

Also, Adams' attempts at speaking Japanese and even trying natto in the drama bring a smile to my face, even though I personally can't stand natto! (Laughs) 

Ultimately, Adams' arrival in Japan being a twist of fate and how such serendipitous events turned into significant turning points in Japanese history is fascinating. I plan to rewatch Episodes 5 and 6 to fully prepare myself for the excitement of Episode 7 next week. (Laughs)