おばのプレゼント | Auntie's Present.


 “I taught my niece a bit of English, “I said to my English conversation teacher, who is British, and then I said to him, ”My niece is coming to stay with me next week. Then he suggested to me, "Maybe she should watch your online English lessons. Might be interested in that.“


 However, after a few hours, I came up with another idea. ”Let's give my niece a lesson!“ And so, I booked two lessons with my usual fun teacher and told my niece beforehand about LINE. Then, unexpectedly, she replied, "Yay!".

 予約したのは、初心者英会話のLesson 1 と2です。彼女のレッスンの前に私のレッスンを見てもらったあと、ついに姪のレッスンの時間になりました。

 The lessons I booked were Lessons 1 and 2 of Beginner English Conversation. After having watched my lesson before hers, it was finally time for my niece's lesson.


 The text is something she can understand as it is the content of the first year of junior high school. However, as this was the first time for her to take English conversation lessons directly one-on-one, I gave her some support and the lesson progressed, as she could not understand some of the English outside of the text.


 The teacher carefully guided her and I was relieved that she was able to concentrate on the 25-minute lesson for the first time, which was unexpected. When I asked my niece what she thought, she said, "It was fun!" 

 翌日の朝は、2レッスン目です。まずは私のレッスンをしたあとに、姪のレッスンとなりました。What is this? です。先生とロールプレーをしたり、リピートアフターミーをしたり、2回目もスムーズについていき、Lesson 3まで進めることができました。先生のお陰です!



 The next morning was the second lesson. First, I had my lesson, then it was my niece's lesson, which was "What is this?"  She role-played with the teacher, did ”repeat-after-me”, and she was able to follow along smoothly for the second time and progress to Lesson 3. Thanks to the teacher!

 She said, "It was fun!" this time too. But she said she was “done” with the third lesson!

 I'm glad I was able to offer her a gift that only an aunt can give.