Bicycle to buy new flowers.


I cycled to the Home Centre with the purpose of buying winter flowers for my veranda. From home, I had to go through the Rainbow Bridge, so I went to the red bicycle port of Docomo on Odaiba Beach.


 There were more than 10 bicycles lined up there, but only two were about to run out of charge or were ready to be ridden. A couple of them were fiddling with their phones, so they might be competitors. I had already registered Docomo Bikeshare, so after checking the brakes, lights, and tires, I locked the bike as fast as I could. Then those two people seemed to realize that it was impossible and went away. One' s decision-making ability is always put to the test.

 Google mapで調べると、目的地まで4.4㌔の道のりです。これまでの自転車ライドの経験からすると、4.5㌔で30分以内ですので、初乗り165円で大丈夫でしょう。

 Google map shows that it is a 4.4 km ride to the destination. Based on my experience of bike rides so far, a 4.5 km ride should take less than 30 minutes, so the first ride for 165 yen should be fine.


 But the trouble is that the smartphone holders that are provided on the electric LUUP bicycles are not on the Docomo Bikeshare bicycles. As this is the first road I'm going through, I need to look at a map to see what's going on. So I came up with the idea of riding with voice navigation only. I soaked the earphone in my left ear. In practice, it felt like a very smooth way to navigate without being trapped by a screen.


 The road towards the bay, which I always looked down on the Yurikamome line, has no power lines and feels very futuristic, and is new because it is reclaimed land. There was also a bike lane, and as it was not a residential area, there were very few people and traffic, so I could proceed quite comfortably. It was a great road, especially with those long bridges that I wish went on forever!

 駅前の駐輪場をゴールにしました。今回はスムーズに施錠もできて、ロスタイムなし。27分で4.4㌔、初乗り165円で到着できました。Google mapでは18分と出ましたが、不可能です。(笑)

 I parked at the bike park in front of the station as my goal. This time I was able to lock the bike smoothly and no time was lost. 27 minutes, 4.4 km, and 165 yen for the first ride. 18 minutes on Google Maps, but it's impossible.


 Then I came across a new variety of viola. It is a purple and yellow viola, almost brown. They are so pretty that I fell in love at first sight. This year I'm going to decorate my balcony with them.