Traveling just by listening to sound.


👦🏻 I had a headache 2 days ago and then I realized I sometimes had a headache before the new moon. Before sleeping on that day I was looking for a sound helping me sleep. I found a sea sound of Kudaka island where I went 13 years ago. I played it for an hour while sleeping. Someone said there is the God in Kudaka island. Next morning I felt so good. I think my energy has changed while sleeping. And in the mooring, I checked the YouTube channel and I played another sea sound. Amazingly I could focus on doing very well! 

🧔 It seems like travelling using sound.

👦🏻 Yes, that's right. And I found fire videos on his channel. When I hold out my hand over my iPhone, I felt hot!

🧔 Really?

👦🏻 First I doubted it so I moved my hand like this and then I moved my hand on my iPhone I felt hot! 

🧔 Wow! iPhone is amazing!

👦🏻 No!

🧔 Is it a new iPhone?

👦🏻 No way! It was amazing! There are many spiritual energy flow sounds.

🧔 So things you are saying is that maybe we are able to travel just by listening to sound. We don't have to go to a hotel. There are many ways to travel.

👦🏻 Exactly. I doubted it but I believe it now.

🧔 You believed it felt hot and because you believed in it.

👦🏻 No! When I felt hot, and then I believed it.

🧔 A-ha-ha! I see! Ok!