Day 1 in Cebu: 入国審査、まさかの最後のひとり。




 オリジナルのArt-Tee「マティス」とオリジナルアクセサリーのコーディネートでセブへ出発しました!セブに到着すると季節が逆なので、搭乗前に羽織っていたダウンをスリムに収納して準備万端。機内では、楽しみにしていた映画「Wild Robot」を発見!英語だったので少し理解できない部分もありましたが、ストーリーに感動して涙が出てしまいました。心が温かくなる素敵な作品でした。





 最後のゲートで、アプリを完了したQRコードを見せてようやく終了。その後の両替は、もうほとんど人がいませんからあっという間。ただ、ホテルの送迎の方を40分以上も待たせてしまいました。事情を説明して謝罪すると、その方はニコニコしながら「My work」と言ってくださり、フィリピンの人の優しさに触れた瞬間でした。10人は乗れる大きなバンに私ひとり。1/19は教会のお祭りがあるようで、ラジオからライブで行われているフィリピンっぽい音楽が聞こえてきました。ホテルは空港から3キロくらいのところにあります。ちょうどチップにぴったりの小銭が両替で手元にあったので、感謝の気持ちを込めてお渡ししました。




**Day 1 in Cebu: The Last One at Immigration**

**2025.01.19 22:29**

I left home around 11:00 AM and headed to Narita Airport using a different route than usual. I arrived in Cebu at 7:00 PM.

Although the flight itself was smooth, there were a few hiccups before boarding. I had tried to check in with Philippine Airlines through their app the day before, but I kept encountering error messages and wasn’t sure if the process had been completed. At the check-in counter, the staff confirmed that my check-in had already gone through, much to my relief. I then lined up for the remaining procedures, which went quickly. Meanwhile, the line for people who hadn’t checked in online wasn’t moving at all, and some started complaining. In this digital age, it’s clear you can’t survive without some tech skills! (laughs)

However, I was told at the counter, “You’ll need this app for immigration, so make sure to download it,” which turned out to be more challenging than I expected.

Dressed in my original Art-Tee “Matisse” and coordinating accessories, I was all set for Cebu! Since it’s summer there, I neatly packed away the down jacket I wore before boarding. On the plane, I was excited to find the movie *Wild Robot*. Although it was in English and I didn’t understand everything, I was moved by the story and even teared up. It was a heartwarming and beautiful film.

The next movie I watched was Disney’s *Wish*. Luckily, there was a Japanese dubbed version. The story revolves around a king who created a magical kingdom where “anyone can share their dreams freely.” However, it turned out the king had a dark side—he was trapping people’s dreams in his castle and making them forget their hopes. I was captivated by the unexpected twist and found myself reflecting on the true meaning of dreams and hope. It was such an incredible movie!

Since Cebu was closer than I thought, I ran out of time and had to skip the ending of *Wish*. I’d love to watch it properly someday!

When I arrived in Cebu, I was greeted by the humid air and smiled—it felt like summer had suddenly arrived!

At immigration, everyone was busy downloading the app and entering their information. For someone like me with 1.0-level presbyopia, the small text, English interface, and unresponsive buttons were quite a challenge. The staff at the immigration booth kindly helped me out, and I ended up being the last one through immigration. After completing the process, I headed to baggage claim. At the escalator, they confirmed my name, and I smoothly retrieved my suitcase. My rental suitcase must have gone around the carousel countless times while waiting for me! (laughs)

At the final gate, I showed the completed QR code from the app and was finally done. Currency exchange was quick since almost everyone had already left by then. However, I had kept my hotel driver waiting for over 40 minutes. When I explained and apologized, he smiled warmly and said, “My work.” I was touched by the kindness of the Filipino people.

The van I rode could seat ten people, but it was just me. The radio played live Filipino music celebrating a church festival on January 19. The hotel was only about 3 kilometers from the airport. I had the perfect small change from the currency exchange, so I tipped the driver with gratitude.

For a smoother immigration process in Cebu, I recommend downloading the necessary app and completing the required information beforehand. Traveling alone often leads to moments of realization like this, but that’s part of the charm of solo travel.

The hotel I booked was a reasonably priced yet well-rated place, as I only needed it for sleeping at night. The air conditioning in the room, despite looking new, made a rattling noise, but lowering the fan speed fixed it. (laughs)

Anticipating no time to buy food upon arrival, I was glad I brought a sausage bun from Japan. Now it’s time to get some work done and then head to bed.