新人: ミリオンバンブー 氏。

 たまたま3coins にて、とても元気な、小さいミリオンバンブーを見つけ、思わずお持ち帰りとなりました! すでに部屋の中に観葉植物は10種類ありますが、植物は不思議なもので、たくさん置いても全然邪魔な感じがしないものです。コンソールテーブルの上が空いているのでそちらへ。






 1. 幸運と繁栄

 2. ポジティブなエネルギーの促進

 3. 健康と長寿

 4. ストレスの軽減

 5. バランスと調和


 昨日、私の部屋にやってきたのですが、1日で数ミリ伸びている感じがしています。私が選んだ植物は、たいてい長生きしていくので、これからどうなることやら?  金運上昇のため、南西に置きました。とても期待しています。(笑)



Newcomer: Mr. Million Bamboo

2024.03.06 20:32

By chance, at 3coins, I found a very lively, small Million Bamboo and couldn’t help but take it home! Although I already have 10 types of indoor plants, it’s fascinating how plants never seem to clutter the space. So, I placed it on the empty console table.
Immediately, I repotted it into a ceramic pot and placed a prism statue of the Dragon God next to it, which I bought for the New Year. It looks like it might bring great fortune (laughs). This is my first time with Million Bamboo, and I noticed its roots are thinner than I expected. So, it stands more like a bamboo stick inserted into the soil rather than being supported by its roots.
Looking into Feng Shui, I learned that an odd number of stems is preferable. Currently, it has six stems, so I’m thinking of buying a small glass vase to try growing one in water.

Here’s a summary of the Feng Shui effects provided by ChatGPT:

Million Bamboo, also known as “Lucky Bamboo,” plays a significant role in Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice that promotes harmony with the surrounding environment and attracts positive energy (Qi). Known for its vitality and growth, Million Bamboo is believed to bring fortune to its owner. Here are some Feng Shui effects of Million Bamboo:

 1. Fortune and Prosperity
Million Bamboo symbolizes prosperity and progress due to its strength and flexibility. Placing it in a home or office is said to attract good luck and smooth the path to achieving goals.

 2. Promotion of Positive Energy
As a symbol of vitality and growth, this plant is believed to enhance positive energy and ward off negative influences, thus fostering a more harmonious and positive environment at home or work.

 3. Health and Longevity
Million Bamboo also symbolizes health and longevity. Its lush green appearance is thought to promote vitality and health, protecting the well-being and longevity of the inhabitants.

 4. Stress Reduction
Incorporating elements of nature indoors is known to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The beautiful appearance and green color of Million Bamboo help calm the mind and free it from daily stress.

 5. Balance and Harmony
In Feng Shui, the balance and harmony of natural elements are crucial. Representing the wood element, Million Bamboo helps balance and harmonize the space, creating a more peaceful environment.

When placing Million Bamboo, it’s important to do so with intention and purpose, as the location significantly affects its benefits. For instance, placing it in the east or southeast is believed to promote health and family happiness. Near a desk, it can enhance work success and concentration. Placing it in the southwest or east can symbolize prosperity and wealth, enhancing financial luck. Utilizing Million Bamboo in Feng Shui connects ancient wisdom with modern living, inviting positive energy into homes and workplaces for a more fulfilled life.

Yesterday, it felt like it had grown a few millimeters in just one day. The plants I choose usually thrive, so I’m curious to see how it will do. For wealth enhancement, I placed it in the southwest direction. I’m really looking forward to it (laughs).