
 大みそかの夜は、新しいTシャツデザインに没頭していました。私の性格上、思い立ったものは着手しないと気が済まないため、1D1U コミュニティーのオリジナルTシャツのデザインに着手し始めてしまいました。最近は、ChatGPTにイラストを生成してもらっていたので、久しぶりにアイビスペイントを開いて、iPenで手描きイラストです。













 妹作のおせち料理は例年通りの美味しさ。みんなこのおせちを楽しみにしていたみたいで、朝ごはんを抜いていたほど。(笑) 特に、インフルエンザから回復したばかりの2番目の姪が、出汁がしっかり染み込んだ大根を食べて、目を輝かせていたのが印象的でした。家族みんなの笑顔が、新しい年の始まりを祝福しているようでした。


Aunt's Year-End and New Year: Creation and Gifts

On New Year's Eve, I was immersed in designing a new T-shirt. Given my nature, I cannot rest until I start something I've thought of, so I began creating an original design for the 1D1U community's T-shirt. Having relied on ChatGPT for illustrations recently, I opened ibisPaint after a long time and drew with my iPen.

I carefully chose the type of T-shirt, settling on Gildan's 100% cotton fabric. After placing the design on the T-shirt and cautiously adding text, I selected the color of the shirt. The composition turned out to be a smash hit, more than I expected. I immediately ordered one for myself, making it the third I've purchased. I've just started with Printify, so there's a lot I want to check, like the delivery from the US, money flow, and the actual fabric and print. This upfront investment feels like a seed for new creations. ★ Pearl Plus Shop

Then, as New Year's Day fell on a Monday, I set up my newsletter, and before I knew it, it was 3 AM. A positively sleep-deprived start to New Year's Day. (Laugh)

The next morning, I started working in bed around 8:30 AM. By 9 AM, I re-energized myself. It was time to make New Year's gifts for my nieces and nephew. As an aunt, I don't want a parent-child-like relationship with them, so I give them "Shopping Vouchers with Aunt" instead of traditional New Year's money.

This time, I used the design app Canva to create a voucher-like design and printed it on translucent paper from my wrapping stock, dotted with crowns. Regular copy paper just doesn’t excite me. I cherish these extra efforts. With just one sheet of paper, I realized how great paper crafts are, and as an aunt, I feel it's my mission to show my way of life to everyone. (Laugh)
The futuristic font, with crowns scattered like stars, matched perfectly with the space pattern. It was chef’s whim wrapping, which turned out well despite being haphazard. It's always like that. (Laugh)

For New Year's Day fashion, I wore a baby pink and grey alpaca knit and a tulip-patterned scarf in the same colors, bought in Český Krumlov. In the Tokyo subway, I was struck by the number of foreigners visiting Japan to enjoy New Year.

Upon arriving home, I encountered my mother about to stick a paper with "Happy New Year" written on it, distributed by the neighborhood association, on the entrance. Surprisingly, she was also dressed in pink, leading to our first laugh of the year. I helped her with the posting.
Entering the living room, I was greeted by the aroma of the ozoni broth my sister made.

With all nine family members gathered, it was time for the annual osechi photo shoot. It has become a tradition, with the children initiating it by saying, "Let's take a photo!" Everyone’s hands are growing!
My sister's osechi was delicious as always. It seems everyone was looking forward to it, skipping breakfast. (Laugh) Particularly, my second eldest niece, recently recovered from influenza, was visibly moved by the taste of the daikon soaked in broth. The smiles of the whole family seemed to bless the start of the new year. 

After that, we took the customary family photo, played three types of card games, and then went to the nearby shopping mall to use the "Shopping Voucher with Aunt"... To be continued.