

 グループセッションが終わり、18時から2次会スタートです。私のマンションの共用スペースのスタジオでカラオケです! 私はこういうときはホストとして、皆さんに歌っていただくようにしているのですが、リクエストを頂きましたので『Let it Go!』。アナ雪の公式のアニメーションのエルサの動きに合わせて歌うのが好きです。(笑)

 カラオケ屋と違い、ソファーとドラムセットと電子ピアノが置いてあり、広いスペースになっているので、開放的な気分で歌唱ができます。また、カラオケマイクだとエコーが響きすぎるので、ミキサーを通してのマイクで歌えるところも良いところです。本格的にボイトレをしているクライアントさんもいらっしゃるので、そんな方には、なおさらプロ仕様のマイクが良いですね。最後に彼女は、『Time to say Goodbye』を予約されていたので、こっそりミキサーをホールモードに変更しておきましたよ。(笑) 私は弾き語りをするようになったから、思えば今年は『アイドル』しか新しい曲を覚えていないことに自分でも驚きました。来年はもっと歌おう!


 私も花火鑑賞に間に合いました! オリオン座とともに輝く花火を見上げ、冬の到来を実感しました。来年は、21日が土曜日です。パーティーバーレルの販売期間であるか、今から心配ですね。(笑)



 途中で、急にトータルコーディネートショーになりました。(笑) オレンジのニットを着ていた方が、シルバーのシンプルなアクセサリーを付けていたので、他のオプションとして、同じ暖色系のアクセサリーを付けてみてはどうだろうと、私の持っているアクセサリーを試してみることに。







 しかし、本当のシメはこれからだ! そう、忘れてはならないのが、別腹のガトーショコラ。ホールケーキを一人当たり90度にカットして、今日だけは糖分や小麦粉のことを忘れ、パーティーバーレルの会を存分に楽しみました。(笑)また、無印良品のオーガニックブレンドコーヒーも大変好評でした。

 最後には、『First Love』をピアノで弾き語りし、皆さんと一緒に歌いました。そして、クリスマス花束をお土産としてお渡しして、全てが完結。22:30頃には、楽しいひと時がお開きとなりました。


 今年も楽しい時間をご一緒していただき、ありがとうございました! 皆さんのバースジャンプを来年もサポートしていきます! よいお年をお迎えください。

Party Barrel Gathering: Behind the Scenes as a Host

The group session ended, and at 6 pm, the second phase began. We headed to the studio in my condominium’s common space for karaoke! As the host, I usually encourage everyone to sing, but upon request, I performed "Let It Go!" from Frozen, syncing my performance with Elsa’s animations in the official animation - quite enjoyable!

Unlike typical karaoke spots, our studio is spacious, featuring sofas, a drum set, and an electronic piano, allowing for a more open and free singing experience. Singing with a microphone connected to a mixer, rather than the echo-heavy karaoke mics, is a definite plus. This is especially appreciated by clients who are seriously into voice training, as they prefer professional-grade microphones. At the end, one of them had reserved "Time to Say Goodbye," so I sneakily switched the mixer to hall mode for them.

This year, to my surprise, I realized I've only learned new songs related to "Idols." Next year, I plan to sing more!

From 7:00 pm, it was time for fireworks viewing from the balcony. As I watch them every week, I let the guests head to the room first. I prepared sandals for three on the balcony, so they could enjoy the fireworks perfectly timed.

I made it in time for the fireworks too! Watching them blaze alongside Orion's Belt, I felt the arrival of winter. Next year, the 21st is a Saturday, so I'm already concerned about the availability of Party Barrels!

Last year, despite reserving a "Party Barrel," we had to wait 40 minutes to pick it up. Fortunately, this year, there were no such delays, and we got it quickly! The hunger after a passionate singing session makes food taste even better. After filming an opening video of the Party Barrel for memories, it was finally time to feast!

The Party Barrel contained eight pieces of fried chicken, shrimp gratin, and gateau chocolat. The size of the chicken breasts this year was particularly impressive! We also added a salad from the supermarket and bread brought by a guest. Additionally, I baked a Quattro Formaggi pizza from MUJI and topped it with Manuka honey. Everyone's faces lit up with the freshly made pizza.

Suddenly, we had an impromptu total coordination show. A guest in an orange knit, wearing simple silver accessories, inspired me to try coordinating with other warm-colored accessories from my collection.

These are all my accessories. Not too many, but when combined with clothes, bags, and shoes, the possibilities are endless. Matching gold accessories with the client's orange outfit created a warm ambiance. Adding a bracelet in conjunction with the necklace brought cohesion between the neck and wrists. The client wore a white shirt under the knit, so matching a white leather body bag with it brought a new discovery they enjoyed.

Thus, others also tried coordinating with my accessories and bags. "It feels Parisian!" they said, enjoying the experience. I always enjoy coordinating accessories, bags, and shoes with my outfits. Helping others coordinate with my items made me realize my style is quite unique.

Now, my onion soup was requested, so I began cooking. We even held an "Onion Slicing Championship" for fun, and Y-san, a current housewife, won with her impressively thin and fast slicing.
The organic onion soup was a great success, with participants expressing joy. Its perfect saltiness provided the comfort of a closing dish, almost like a final bowl of tea over rice.

But the real finale was yet to come – the separate stomach for gateau chocolat! We cut the whole cake into 90-degree slices, forgetting about sugar and flour for the day, and thoroughly enjoyed the Party Barrel Gathering.

The MUJI Organic Blend Coffee was also very popular. Finally, I sang and played "First Love" on the piano, joined by everyone. I gave out Christmas bouquets as souvenirs, wrapping up the event. Around 10:30 pm, the delightful time came to an end.

This year's Party Barrel Gathering was wonderful, a testament to a good year. This joy should be a great start for the coming year.

Thank you for spending this enjoyable time together this year! I look forward to supporting your "birth jumps" next year too! Have a great new year.