



 秋の色の葉が、強風にあおられて、まるでかけっこをしているようなスピードで私のほうにコロコロと転がってきて、カメラを向けようとしましたが、一瞬の風の通り道に間に合いませんでした! セラピーロードというように、歩いているだけで心が洗われていくような、都会では絶対に味わえないひと時を過ごすことができました。15分くらい歩くとやがて神秘的な箱根九頭竜神社に到着します。入場料で支えられているようで、入口で600円支払います。入口すぐに白龍神社がありそこでもお参りし、芦ノ湖サイドをさらに進んでいくと、九頭龍神社に到着します。











 そんな中、メールが届いていました。1D1U コミュニティーの方が、もし余分に買っていたら、箱根神社のお守りが欲しいとのこと。朝の時点で欲しいと申し出ていた方の分しか購入していなかったので、余分はなかったのです。箱根神社はここから800mくらいの位置ですが、どうしようかな…と一瞬迷いました。しかし、このきのこ汁が、私をもう一度箱根神社へと向かわせたのです。(笑)



 写メしておいたバスの時刻表を見ると、あと7分くらいでバスが出発するという微妙な時間。次のバスにした方が安全そうですが、とりあえず小走りでバス停に行くと、予定していたバスが止まっていて、ドアが開いていたので、バス停の長蛇の列を横目に、飛び乗りました! まさにギリギリの立ち位置。料金箱の前に立ちました。出発まであと2分くらいあったので、バスのドアはまだ開いていました。






Autumn Trip to Hakone Shrine and Kuzuryu Shrine (3)

2023.11.30 19:42

The quickest way to get from Hakone Shrine to Kuzuryu Shrine is by walking a distance of 4.8 kilometers. The route passes through Ashinoko's promenade and roads, going via Hakone-en.

From Hakone-en, the journey continues on Therapy Road, a car-free nature trail that could be considered the approach to Kuzuryu Shrine, walking along the lakeside of Lake Ashi.

The sunlight reflecting off the lake surface creates a sparkling scenery, and occasionally, you can see a gold-colored sightseeing boat elegantly passing by. There are spots where Mount Fuji is visible through the gaps in the trees, so be careful not to miss it while daydreaming.

The autumn leaves, stirred by the strong wind, rolled towards me at a speed as if they were racing, and I tried to capture them with my camera but missed the fleeting moment of the wind’s passage! As its name suggests, walking on Therapy Road feels like it cleanses the soul, an experience impossible to find in the city. After about 15 minutes of walking, you will eventually arrive at the mystical Hakone Kuzuryu Shrine. The entrance is supported by a fee of 600 yen. Right after the entrance, there is the Shiroryu Shrine where you can pray, and as you proceed further along the side of Lake Ashi, you arrive at Kuzuryu Shrine.

Kuzuryu Shrine, with a history starting from 1334, is widely worshipped for its divine virtues of the dragon god, including business prosperity, financial luck, wish fulfillment, and good marriage. On the monthly festival day, the 13th of each month, a sightseeing boat departs from Hakone Port to the shrine. The boat was fully booked on the day I visited, and the small precincts of Kuzuryu Shrine were overflowing with visitors, creating an atmosphere as if something special was about to happen.

The view from the boat feels like passing through the gate to another world. The torii gate standing alone on Lake Ashi seems like an entrance to another dimension, making me wonder, “Is it for dragons to pass through?”

Since then, I have visited Kuzuryu Shrine many times. The reason is hard to explain, but perhaps it's because I feel a mystical power there. I have performed the ritual of drawing blue eyes on a small Daruma doll several times, wishing to become fluent in English. Each time I draw the eyes on the Daruma with a thin brush dipped in the pure water of Lake Ashi, I feel more convinced that my wish will come true. While nearly getting hit by the waves from boats coming to the shrine on mini-boats, I have deepened my affection for the shrine through this repeated ritual (laughs).

Hakone Shrine issues a special talisman for Kuzuryu Shrine. Since few people walk from Hakone Shrine to here, I took my time enjoying the sparkling surface of Lake Ashi.

Ah, what a beautiful view. As I approached the lake, I turned on a traveler's iPhone to capture the moment where autumn leaves, glimmering gold on the waves, floated like little boats. The view through the lens looked like a lively painting. As I filmed, each leaf dancing to the rhythm of the waves sparkled under the autumn light reflected on the lake surface, calming my heart like a tranquil lake. The video captures this serenity and beauty.

After thoroughly enjoying Kuzuryu Shrine, I walked back the 4.8 km to Hakone Shrine. I had planned to ride the Komagatake Ropeway for a breathtaking view, but it was suspended due to strong winds. I look forward to another opportunity!

After visiting Hakone Shrine twice since morning and making a round trip to Kuzuryu Shrine, I was looking forward to lunch near Hakone Port. But first, back to Hakone Shrine to fill an empty bottle with the shrine's pure water. This made my third climb up the long staircase today. Thanks to the hiking, the long stairs didn't feel too hard.

Finally, lunchtime. I headed to "Hakone Hyakuyaku," a traditional Japanese-style restaurant I found on my last visit. Located right off the sightseeing boat, its charming exterior immediately captivated me. The restaurant was full, with even parties of two sitting at tables for four, creating a relaxed atmosphere not focused on turnover. I waited in line and was seated alone at a table for four after about 20 minutes (laughs).

The mushroom soup was like a savior to my chilled body. Each sip warmly enveloped both my body and soul.

And then, the tofu, boldly plopped onto the white rice. It was a simple yet heartwarming dish. The flavor of the broth soaked into the tofu was exquisite, and with each bite, the softness of the tofu and the rich taste of the broth spread in my mouth. Despite its simplicity, I was moved by the profound taste of this dish. I truly thought to myself, "I want to try making this at home." Many foreign tourists also ordered it, I wonder what they thought of it? (laughs)

Amidst this, I received an email. Someone from the 1D1U community had asked if I had an extra charm from Hakone Shrine to spare. Since I had only bought enough for those who had requested them in the morning, I didn't have any extras. The Hakone Shrine was about 800 meters away, and I hesitated for a moment, wondering what to do. However, the mushroom soup I had earlier inspired me to visit Hakone Shrine once again. (laughs)

Incredibly, it was my fourth visit to Hakone Shrine in a single day. (laughs) I bought an extra charm, and luckily, someone else expressed a desire for one that evening. I managed to send them all out today. Maybe it's the effect of mountain climbing, but I felt even tougher. Finally, I went to retrieve my luggage stored at the hotel. I took my things from a wooden locker and dropped the key into the wooden box at the reception, leaving the lodging quietly without meeting anyone.

As for the return journey, I had planned to take the express bus to Hakone-Yumoto Station. There had been a long queue since noon, so I was worried about getting on smoothly. Therefore, I decided not to fix a time and just adjust when I got near the bus stop.

Checking the bus timetable I had photographed, I saw that the bus was due to leave in about seven minutes - a tricky timing. It seemed safer to wait for the next bus, but I decided to run to the bus stop anyway. The bus I had planned to catch was there, and its doors were open. I managed to hop on just in time, despite the long queue at the bus stop. I found myself standing right in front of the fare box. Since the bus was still two minutes from departure, the doors were still open.

People were asking the bus stop staff if they could board, and they were being told to wait in line since the bus was full. I sneaked onto the bus while the staff was looking the other way, managing to get on despite it supposedly being full. (laughs)

I couldn't help but laugh at the thought, "That's why this photo!" The bus winding through the Hakone mountains felt like an attraction, twisting and turning. With each curve, I gripped the handrail tightly, maintaining balance as if I were surfing. Since it was an express service, it took only 20 minutes to reach Hakone-Yumoto. Speaking of Hakone-Yumoto, I decided to buy some white bean Hakone Manju from Kikugawa Shop!

The machine pressed "Hakone" and the "♨" mark into each manju. "It hasn't changed since I was in elementary school," I thought nostalgically. Being able to taste them freshly made was a joy transcending time. The price, 80 yen each, seemed to have remained the same over the years. The taste, too, was just as good as I remembered. Wanting to share this nostalgia and deliciousness with my family, I bought two boxes as souvenirs.

The return trip from Hakone-Yumoto was on the Romancecar. I bought a reserved seat ticket and managed to catch the train departing in five minutes. The four-hour journey by bus on the way there was now reduced to two and a half hours by Romancecar. I edited the video and then soothed my tired muscles in the gym's bath. (laughs)

This trip was a refreshing experience, from finding a new lodging to taking English conversation lessons with Hakone Shrine as a backdrop. Seeing many foreign tourists around and noticing how captivated they were by the beauty of Hakone also made me happy. I recapped this journey in a video and blog post, and with that, it's a wrap.