











 9:20にチェックアウトし、9:30 芦ノ湖を背景に、オンライン英会話のアプリを立ち上げました。先生は「WOW!!エ? ヒトミサン、ドコニイルンデスカ?」と笑いながら尋ねてきました。このスペシャルな英会話レッスンは、私のもう一つのブログに綴っています。レッスン中のユニークな出来事を、ぜひご一読ください。

 さて、イレギュラーすぎる生徒の英会話レッスンが終わり、(笑)1D1U Campに参加中の方で、縁結びのお守りをご希望の方の分を購入し、お願いしておいた御朱印帳を受け取りました。





A Luxurious Morning Time: Journey to Hakone Shrine and Online English Conversation (2)

2023.11.29 19:19

I was able to sleep soundly in the upper bunk of the cabin-like bunk bed. Since I had planned to have breakfast at 8:00 am, I decided to go for an early morning visit to the shrine first. This indeed felt like a privilege reserved for those staying overnight. If traveling from Tokyo by public transport, it's impossible to arrive at Hakone by 7:00 am, so I expected it to be quite empty.

My 9:30 am English conversation lesson is a part of my daily routine. Even being in Hakone, I intended to take the lesson in my room as usual, aligned with the 10:00 am checkout. However, since the shrine's stamp and amulet shop aren't open early in the morning, I ended up visiting the shrine again. So, I had this idea: after breakfast and checking out, why not have the English conversation lesson while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Hakone Shrine?

I was sure my teacher would be surprised. Through the English conversation lesson, we would share the serene landscape of Hakone Shrine and enjoy beautiful moments beyond words. (Laugh)

Having settled the morning schedule, I left the inn around 7:15 am and arrived at the torii gate floating on Lake Ashi near Hakone Shrine by 7:25 am. The morning air was refreshing, and the chirping of birds was a pleasant sound to my ears. The shrine grounds were enveloped in the stillness left by the night, and it felt like my every step echoed.

The torii gate of Hakone Shrine is a photogenic spot, usually bustling with people taking photos, but there were only two foreigners setting up a tripod for filming. It seemed like they would take some time, so they kindly let me go ahead.

Fortunately, the stairs leading to the shrine were also empty, still damp from last night's rain. The mist created a mystical atmosphere, almost like stepping into another world.

The stairs are quite steep. I held my iPhone tightly, not looking at the screen, and silently climbed up, holding my breath.

The video I uploaded yesterday was filmed then. This time, not with a GoPro, but with the iPhone's 4K-60 highest quality setting. The fantastical imagery was displayed with cinematic intensity. Truly, Hakone Shrine!

The shrine grounds were sparsely populated, allowing me to visit at leisure. Indeed, staying overnight and visiting early in the morning turned out to be a luxurious time.

I returned to the inn at 8:00 for breakfast. An English muffin topped with chicken, a hearty soup, an omelet, mango juice, and yogurt. It was a café-like breakfast that filled both my stomach and heart from the morning.

There was no fire in the hearth this morning, but I took my time enjoying breakfast at a sofa seat. After returning to my room and enjoying some drip coffee, I checked out. They kindly agreed to keep my luggage until my return. There were handmade wooden lockers, and I was given a key. I just needed to drop the key in the post box when I returned. This allowed me to enjoy my time in Hakone without worrying about time.

I checked out at 9:20 and, with Lake Ashi in the background, launched the online English conversation app at 9:30. My teacher asked, laughing, "WOW!! Eh? Hitomi-san, DO-CO-NI-I-RU-NO DE-SU-KA?" This special English conversation lesson is chronicled in another one of my blogs. Please read about the unique events during the lesson.

1D1U Life Coach: Daily Dialogues

Now, after an unusually unique student's English conversation lesson, (Laugh) I joined the 1D1U Camp participants and bought amulets for matchmaking on their behalf and picked up the stamp book I had requested.

By 10:00 am, the morning mist had completely cleared up, and the weather turned sunny! And more people started to arrive.

Here's the shrine stamp from Hakone Shrine.

By the photogenic torii gate of Hakone Shrine, there was a long line of foreign tourists. Around 10:30, let's walk 4.8 km to the "Kuzuryu Shrine" next.