
 今回の大阪セミナー Day 2  は、奈良県の「玉置神社」へ足を運びました。3月の奈良の天河神社も、奈良の奥地にあり、車がないと辿り着けないところでしたが、玉置神社のほうがさらに山奥。大阪から4時間!ちなみに、途中で「洞川温泉(天河神社のある所)」のサインもありました。

 今回も運転の上手なTさんが運転手としてお供してくださいました! 私の宿泊ホテルまで迎えに来ていただいたのが、午前9:30そして、玉置神社到着が13:50でした。(途中の休憩30分)



 午後2時くらいの太陽が、美しくすすきを照らし、幻想的な風景を堪能することができました! ここは標高1000mあります。



 参拝をする前に、御朱印帳をお願いする社務所へ。おひとりで運営されており、長蛇の列になっていました。その方は、御朱印も書いて、お守りも販売して、ワンオペなのです。(笑) 一人は並び、もう一人は参拝するという方法で、私たちは時間をうまく使いました。


 本当は本殿に先んじて礼拝するのが習わしと なっていると、わかっていたのですが、本殿が先に見えますし、社務所も16:00までですので、なんとなく先に本殿へ行ってしまいました。もし玉置神社を参拝される方は、こちらの「玉石社」が先ということで、こちらの道を見つけてみてください!



 かなり個性的なお守りです。悪魔退散に効き目があるようです。たしかに、玉置神社参拝後、何かが抜けて、さらに身軽になった気がします。1D1U Campに参加されている方でご希望の方にもこのお守りを購入しました。この神社へ行くのに往復8時間+東京まで2時間半かかっているので、とてもよいサービスですね。(笑)

 帰りの4時間があっという間に感じられました。そして、帰りの新幹線で動画を編集していたら、2時間半が秒に感じられるほど。さらに、途中で1D1U オンラインキャンプのZoomでのセッションを新幹線で行うという、初めての試みがありました。傾聴ですので、ほとんどクライアントさんが話している状態ですから問題ありませんでした。

 今年の3月の大阪セミナー翌日は、芸能の神さま「天河神社」を参拝しました。その後、11万文字のkindle本を作成するというクリエイティブの成果がありました。今回の玉置神社はどんなご利益があるのでしょうか? いつも期待したことないのですが、今回ばかりは、そのパワーを信じてみようかなと思わせてくれるほど、パワフルな神社参拝となりました!


World Heritage: Visit to Tamaki Shrine (Nara Prefecture)

This time, on Day 2 of our Osaka seminar, we visited 'Tamaki Shrine' in Nara Prefecture. Like the Tenkawa Shrine we visited in Nara in March, Tamaki Shrine is also located deep in the mountains of Nara and is inaccessible without a car. It's even deeper in the mountains than Tenkawa Shrine, a four-hour drive from Osaka! By the way, we saw signs for 'Dorogawa Onsen,' where Tenkawa Shrine is located, along the way.

Once again, my client, who is an excellent driver, graciously offered to drive us. She picked me up from my hotel at 9:30 AM, and we arrived at Tamaki Shrine at 1:50 PM, including a 30-minute break en route.

Since there are no service areas on the mountainous road, a Seven-Eleven store midway served as our rest stop, where we had ramen from Ippudo. It was my first time trying convenience store ramen, and it surprisingly had the essence of Ippudo's flavor.

The road from there was a continuous series of twists and turns, with views of dams, and I wonder how many tunnels we passed through... Along the way, we also encountered a family of monkeys, and the most nerve-wracking moment was when two trucks came from the opposite direction, and we barely managed to pass by each other. The truck driver signaled that it was safe to proceed, and after ensuring that we wouldn't fall off the left side, She cautiously moved forward and we cleared the path. There are dams and perhaps power stations around, so surprisingly, we encountered quite a few trucks. Therefore, some driving skill seems necessary to reach Tamaki Shrine. Although she usually drives in Osaka, she has become accustomed to mountain driving as she has relatives living in Nara. The drive was safe and smooth until the very end, but it certainly felt like a relief when we finally arrived! (laughs)

At around 2 PM, the sun beautifully illuminated the pampas grass, creating a fantastic scenery to enjoy! The elevation here is 1000 meters.

By the way, I was surprised to see that the parking lot of Tamaki Shrine was quite crowded. It seems to be a well-known power spot among those in the know. Furthermore, the Omine Okugakemichi (Omine mountain trail) was registered as Japan's 12th World Heritage site under the title 'Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range' at the UNESCO World Heritage Conference held in Suzhou, China, in 2004.

To get to Tamaki Shrine, you have to walk about 15 minutes along a mountain path from the parking area. During the walk, a tremendous wind blew, making me wonder if it was the Dragon God. (laughs) I had a similar experience of feeling the presence of the Dragon God when a sudden gust of wind blew during my visit to the Kuzuryu Shrine in Hakone. It might just be my imagination, but from the perspective of the spiritual industry, it might not be just imagination. (laughs)

Before worshiping, we visited the office to request a 'Goshuin' (shrine stamp). It was operated by a single person, and there was a long queue. The person was managing everything alone, writing Goshuin and selling amulets. (laughs) We divided our time efficiently, with one of us lining up and the other going for worship.

After receiving the Goshuin, I thought there would be more climbing, but then realized there was still a path ahead. From there, it's a 10-minute climb to the 'Tamagushi Shrine.' I have a time-lapse video of climbing this steep path in my video collection.

I knew it was customary to worship at the main shrine before visiting the main hall, but since the main hall was visible first and the office was only open until 4:00 PM, I somewhat ended up visiting the main hall first. If you visit Tamaki Shrine, please start with the 'Tamagushi Shrine' and find this path!

Despite the steep climb, we arrived easily with a smile. (laughs)

The branches of the trees looked like the Dragon God!

The amulets here are quite unique and seem to have the power to ward off evil spirits. Indeed, after visiting Tamaki Shrine, I felt as if something had been lifted from me, and I felt lighter. For those participating in the 1D1U Camp who wanted one, I also bought these amulets. The round trip to the shrine took eight hours plus two and a half hours back to Tokyo, so it's a great service. (laughs)

The four-hour return journey felt like it passed in a blink of an eye. And editing videos on the Shinkansen made the two and a half hours feel like seconds. Furthermore, there was a first-time attempt to conduct a Zoom session of the 1D1U Online Camp on the Shinkansen. Since it involved mainly listening, it was not a problem as the clients did most of the talking.

After the Osaka seminar in March this year, I visited the 'Tenkawa Shrine,' the shrine of the god of entertainment. Subsequently, I created a Kindle book with 110,000 characters, showing creative results. What blessings will Tamaki Shrine bring? I usually don't have expectations, but this time, the powerful experience at the shrine made me want to believe in its power!

Thank you for my client, being a safe travel companion. I look forward to our next journey together!