🧒🏻I'll start 1D1U space camp next month!
🧔Space camp? It' s very expensive to go to space!
🧒🏻Ha ha ha! But it's the same price as usual even thought I'm providing my new service to users that's called "Sunday Hitomi Service!" It's called SHS for short!
でた! イギリス人ギャグ! 冗談か本当なのか? わからないこともしばしば。(笑)
ところで、🧔My teacher に似てる。🤣
🧔Wow! Is it Robert flag?
🧒🏻Yes, I made Robert flag!
🧔Cool! I like it! Is there any countries with this flag?
🧒🏻No countries.
🧔How do you know?
🧒🏻I checked on the internet.
🧔How did you check?
🧒🏻I asked google "Red Blue Flag."
🧔So many.
1D1U Space Camp ツアー参加者の皆さんのところへも、旗が届くようにしたいと思っています。(笑) なんだか、わが星にお招きするみたいで、今までのキャンプと違った気分でいます。🧒🏻✨