Day 6 (2) ベルヴェデーレ宮のクリムト・映画『Before Sunrise』 ロケ地へ


 ヴェルヴェデーレ宮(Belvedere Palace)には、オーストリアの象徴的な画家、グスタフ・クリムトの最も有名な作品「接吻(Der Kuss)」が展示されています。また、エゴン・シーレやオスカー・ココシュカといった他の重要なオーストリア画家の作品も鑑賞できます。













 私はこのタイミングで添乗員さんに「カフェ・シュペールへ行こうと思っています」と伝えると、「では一緒に行きましょうか?」と、言ってくださいました! 夕食場所をまだ決めていなかった他の7名も、一緒にカフェ・シュペールへ行くことになりました。なんとなく、この流れを予感していた私は、最後の瞬間まで敢えて申告を控えていたのです。(笑)




 私は当初、「ウィーンに行く」と思っていましたが、英会話レッスンで、それは「Vienna」でしょと言い換えられた瞬間、『Before Sunrise』の映画のことが頭に浮かびました。それは突然、私の旅が新たな意味を帯びたような感覚でした。母が計画した旅行であったにも関わらず、この偶然の発見は、まるで自分自身のための冒険のように感じられました。

 その時期、私はちょうどKindle本を制作していて、その本は『Before Sunrise』へのオマージュとして、脚本風に構成されていました。この映画への深い愛情を胸に、私はその物語を新たな形で再解釈し、読者に届けようとしていたのです。だから、まさにViennaで『Before Sunrise』のロケ地を訪れることになるとは、まるで運命のように感じられました。

 この偶然の一致には、未来が何らかの形で既に決まっていたかのような不思議な感覚に襲われました。まるで、私の旅が映画のストーリーラインに沿って進んでいるような! カフェ・シュペールに足を踏み入れた瞬間、その場所が映画のシーンを超えて、私の人生の一部となりました。












 とても深い味わいと香り高いコーヒーで、豊かな風味が口の中で広がりました。オーストリアを何度も訪れている添乗員さんも、このコーヒーの美味しさには大絶賛。「おいしい!」いただきました! この瞬間、やはり本当に美味しいものは、地元の人々に愛される場所でこそ見つかるのだと改めて感じました。まるで、ウィーンの生活そのものに溶け込んだかのような感覚は嬉しいです。


 私が感動のあまり「美味しい!」と声を上げると、母が旅行中にお友達になったマダムから「一口いただけますか?」という声がかかりました。喜んで少し分けてあげると、彼女の顔にも満足の笑みがこぼれていました。ウィーンの甘美な記憶として私の心に永遠に残り続けるでしょう!また食べに行く!(笑) (食レポは、YouTube動画をご覧ください)



 私たち団体がトラムに乗り込んだ時、若い男性がすぐに席を譲ってくれました。70代のグループにとってありがたいことでした! この日は本当に濃厚な経験でしたから。














Day 6 (2) Visit to the Belvedere Palace for Klimt & the filming location of 'Before Sunrise

In the evening, swaying on a crowded tram, we arrived at the Belvedere Palace, the Austrian Gallery of Art. Belvedere means "beautiful view" in Italian. Regrettably, it was already late in the evening and we didn't have time to stroll through the gardens.

At the Belvedere Palace, you can see 'The Kiss (Der Kuss),' the most famous work of Austria's iconic artist, Gustav Klimt. You can also admire works by other important Austrian artists like Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka.

However, it was already past 5:00 PM. Considering dinner time, our art appreciation was limited to a brief 30 minutes. Our goal was Klimt's 'The Kiss'!

As we ascended the palace's shining marble staircase, anticipation grew. Entering the museum, a breathtaking ceiling painting caught our eye. We were mesmerized by the luxurious decorations and the height of the ceiling. In that moment, we were completely drawn into the charm of the museum, as if a page of history had vividly opened before us.

In our limited time, we hurried to the Klimt exhibit. However, various attractive paintings caught our eye. Unlike the religious and darker-toned paintings seen at the Museum of Art History, here were bright, modern, and vibrant paintings. If only we had more time. Maybe we'll encore our Austria trip!

Finally reaching the Klimt exhibit, I felt the joy of seeing his masterpiece in real life.

Gustav Klimt's 'The Kiss'. Standing in front of this piece, not seen in the Klimt exhibition in Tokyo, my impression of Klimt dramatically transformed. The entire painting, covered in gold leaf, shimmered like jewels!

Klimt's unique 'Golden Style', characterized by the extensive use of gold leaf, seemed to radiate waves of wealth and prosperity. Standing in front of the painting, Klimt's passion and artistic richness seemed to speak directly to the viewer's heart.

In the painting, the deep expression of love between the lovers, enveloped in golden light, seemed to etch their eternal moment. Klimt's skill in capturing this moment of happiness left me with nothing but a smirk. I felt a bit envious.

Then, there was an unexpected discovery. It was a surprisingly cute floral painting by Klimt. The arrangement of the flowers was strikingly unique, almost as if showcasing the master's playful spirit. It's also unique that this painting was in the shape of a square, much like an Instagram post. This composition is said to offer a unique visual experience to the viewer by confining the subject within a limited space. Indeed, standing in front of this painting, I felt enveloped in a special sensation, as if peeking into my own secret garden.

So, instead of 'The Kiss' by Klimt, I chose a T-shirt adorned with this floral design as a souvenir. I like it so much that I wear it every week, reminiscing about Vienna.

I started wearing it right from the day of return. At the airport, I purchased a Klimt postcard, which I now have displayed in my room.

Klimt's 'The Kiss' was framed in a simple yet impressive black frame. Therefore, I chose a black frame as well. Even though it's just a 199 yen product from IKEA, when the content is wonderful, the frame doesn't matter much. Indeed, Klimt's work overwhelms everything with its presence.

Now, back to our journey. After an unforgettable museum-hopping, our time in Vienna was coming to an end. We had to head to the airport early the next morning, so it was soon time for dinner.

When I mentioned to the tour guide that I was thinking of going to Café Sperl, she suggested, "Shall we go together?" The other seven members who hadn't decided on a place for dinner yet also joined us to Café Sperl. I had a hunch this would happen and deliberately held back my suggestion until the last moment. (laughs)

The tour guide wanted to visit Café Sperl as part of her inspection. My suggestion turned out to be convenient for her as well, creating a Win-Win situation.

Without having to check the tram station or open Google Maps, we simply followed our tour guide. I had forgotten to bring my phone charger that day and had mentioned it to the guide during lunch, so maybe she was even mindful of that little concern. Thanks to her, my iPhone's battery lasted all day, even with taking photos and videos.

After about a ten-minute walk from the Naschmarkt, we finally arrived at Café Sperl, established in 1880.

Initially, when I thought of going to "Vienna," the moment it was rephrased to "Vienna" in my English conversation lesson, the movie "Before Sunrise" came to my mind. It felt as though my journey suddenly took on new meaning. Despite being a trip planned by my mother, this serendipitous discovery felt like an adventure of my own.

At that time, I was working on a Kindle book, composed in a screenplay style as an homage to "Before Sunrise." With a deep affection for the movie, I was reinterpreting its story in a new way to reach readers. So, the idea of visiting the filming locations of "Before Sunrise" in Vienna felt like fate.

This coincidence gave me a strange sensation, as if my future had somehow been predetermined. It was as if my journey was following the storyline of the movie! Stepping into Café Sperl, the place transcended its role in the film and became a part of my life.

The movie, about two people in their twenties who meet on a train and spend a day together in Vienna, is one of my most beloved works.

It's a pre-smartphone era film, where, after spending an intense day together, they part with a vague promise to meet again in Vienna in six months, without exchanging contact information.

The scene in Café Sperl is particularly memorable. It was filmed here, where they pretend to call their friends and share their impressions of each other. I love this scene so much that I bought the script in paperback ten years ago and even re-enacted it with a British teacher during a lesson.

Stepping into such a filming location was like a dream come true for me.

Café Sperl, clearly beloved by locals, narrated its local charm through a diverse menu and affordable pricing.

Upon our arrival, surprisingly, a table for eight was prepared near the entrance, marked "Reserved." There was no sign the tour guide had arranged this reservation, and we were all smiles at this perfect timing, as if our visit was destined.

While perusing the menu, I chose an Italian toast. After enjoying heavy meat dishes throughout the trip, I was longing for casual food. The café's menu offered such light meals, enveloping me in comfort.

The café's interior, just like in the movie, had a charm of its own, with antique lighting and furniture telling the stories and history of this place.

Now, my Italian toast has arrived.

The Italian toast I ordered was more delicious than it looked. It was not just a simple pizza toast. The combination of the crispy and fragrant toast, the acidity of the tomato paste, the creaminess of the cheese, and the subtle tang of the pickles created a perfect harmony in my mouth. With each bite, the consistent deliciousness spread, igniting an interest in local Viennese culture, not just in the Habsburg's grandeur.

Then came the time for coffee and cake. I ordered a 'Melange' again. The taste varies at different cafes, so how would it be here?

The coffee had a deep flavor and rich aroma, spreading delightfully in my mouth. The tour guide, who had visited Austria several times, highly praised the coffee. "Delicious!" she exclaimed. At that moment, I truly felt that the best things are found in places loved by locals. It felt like I was seamlessly blending into the life of Vienna.

The highlight was the cheesecake! From my seat, I could see the cake display, and spotting the last piece of cheesecake, I ordered it without hesitation. The lightness akin to soufflé and the smooth cheese flavor were a sublime treat for my palate, tired from the Gâteau au chocolat. The fluffy texture and subtle sweetness instantly captivated my heart.

When I exclaimed, "Delicious!" in awe, a lady whom my mother had befriended during the trip asked if she could have a bite. I happily shared, and her face lit up with satisfaction. This memory of Vienna's sweetness will forever remain in my heart. I'll definitely go back! (laughs) (Please check out the YouTube video for the food report.)

I never imagined that my trip to Vienna would conclude with this wonderful moment at Café Sperl.

Then we took the tram again and bought coffee beans and chocolates as souvenirs at a place the tour guide called a "luxury supermarket." The last tram took us to the station nearest our hotel.

When our group boarded the tram, a young man kindly offered his seat, much appreciated by our group of septuagenarians after such an intense day.

We started the day marveling at the grandeur of Schönbrunn Palace, enjoyed elegant moments in the café of the world-renowned Art History Museum, were captivated by Gustav Klimt's alluring works at the Belvedere Palace, and finally, time-traveled to the 1880s at Café Sperl with delicious coffee and desserts.

Before the trip, I was a bit anxious about how to spend free time, but the tour guide accompanied us during the free plan, supporting our journey. And finally, my request to visit Café Sperl became the highlight of the trip. Interestingly, we never saw a street piano in the city of music. (laughs)

The next morning, instead of a morning buffet, the hotel prepared sandwiches and fruit. The tour guide distributed them like a lunchbox vendor, a truly considerate gesture.

At the airport, after completing check-in via a machine, we waited for the counter to open. It was time to bid farewell to the friends we made on this trip. Surprisingly, at this final moment, my mother and her new friends exchanged only their last names, having never shared names during the trip.

For septuagenarians, connecting on social media at parting is almost unheard of. However, my mother had the opportunity to repay in Japanese yen the money she borrowed in euros. In doing so, she shared her address, a truly analog interaction, but that's how people in their 70s connect.

At Amsterdam Airport during our layover, we had another chance to chat, and finally, we said our real goodbyes at Narita Airport. My mother and I have different destinations, so we parted ways in Narita.

That evening, I had a harpsichord recital by Jean Rondeau scheduled. Coincidentally, my mother had planned to attend a ballet at the same Ueno Art Theater. However, she had to cancel due to fatigue and a sore throat.

Meanwhile, I went to Jean Rondeau's recital. The theater was solemn, with a noticeable police presence. Surprisingly, Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress were attending the ballet performance.

I enjoyed Jean Rondeau's performance from the front row. The program included works by Mozart, born in Vienna, giving me a sense that my Vienna trip was continuing. I was captivated by the beautiful music. More about this experience is detailed in my other blog. It seemed as if the magic of Vienna was still continuing through music.

Two weeks after returning home, I received a joyful call from my mother. Surprisingly, she had received a handwritten letter and a photo from the lady she became friends with during the trip! Through the letter, she learned for the first time that the lady was from Nagoya. What a wonderful post-trip experience.

I, too, spent a month after returning home immersed in editing videos for YouTube and writing a travelogue. The need to compile memories later arose because I forgot my laptop charger on the trip. During this time, the paid version of ChatGPT had evolved. Thanks to this new tool, I could enhance the quality of my articles, making them more vivid and immersive, as if I was reliving my trip to the Czech Republic and Austria. I even translated some of it into English using ChatGPT and shared my travel memories with my usual online teacher.

This trip was so enjoyable that I would want to encore it several times. It felt as if my sensibility had reached a new dimension, enabling me to perceive each moment of the journey as fresh and enriching. Perhaps the long waiting period due to the pandemic made me more sensitive and deepened my appreciation for beauty. The experiences in Vienna have added new colors and depths to my life and will surely lead me to new creative horizons.

Thank you for reading until the end. (End)