Day 5 (2) デュルンシュタイン城、まさか過ぎる展開!






 「リチャードシシシーン」と、添乗員さんが何度も名前を連呼し、私は、「シシシーンって何? 」と小首をかしげながら、ChatGPTに尋ねてみると、「リチャード獅子心王」のことでした。(笑)


 後日談に入りますが、昨日、Day 5 の記事を英訳し、英会話のレッスンで、例のごとく記事を音読してシェアしました。そのとき、「リチャード獅子心王」のところが、「リチャード・ライオンハート」に訳され、オンラインの英会話の先生と「ライオンハート? (笑)ChatGPT間違えたのかな?」なんて話していて、大爆笑を誘いました。











 やがて、開放的な景色の中に辿り着きました。リチャード獅子心王さま、やりました! ここまで登ってきたのは、私と50代後半の女性と、なんと70代の女性でした。




 そして登頂! 同じツアーのマダムと地元のマダムと一緒に「We did it! 」と歓喜に酔いしれました!(笑) もちろん登山と比べると、そこまで大変ではないですが、70代のマダムは、少しヒールのあるブーツを履いていたし、私はブルゾンを途中で脱いで腰巻にして登っていたりしたので、街着でよくやりました!




 城の壁に残る窓枠に立ち、時間を超えた物語に思いを馳せます。リチャード・ライオンハートが、この同じ窓からドナウ川の流れを見つめていたのでしょうか?  幽閉された彼の目には、この川はどのように映っていたのでしょうか?






Day 5夜~Day 6 続く

Day 5 (2) Dürnstein Castle, an Unexpectedly Surprising Turn of Events!

After the magnificent Melk Abbey, which made us feel the power of the Hapsburg dynasty, we were eagerly looking forward to a cruise through the Wachau Valley, a World Heritage site. The weather was good, and it seemed like it would be the perfect cruise. However, although the boat was supposed to travel along the Danube River, there was no sign of it reaching our location. Just then, we were surprised to learn from an Asian-American who happened to pass by and was also scheduled to be on that boat, that our cruise had been canceled due to shallow water at the stop. Our tour guide hadn’t even noticed the notification call history. The bus driver had already started heading to our next pick-up location, but we had no choice but to ask him to come back. In the meantime, we waited for the bus under the calm Danube River and blue sky, having a pleasant conversation. It was a comfortable time. My mother also seemed happy to have made friends on the trip, and this might have turned out to be a more precious memory than the planned cruise. What wonderful people we were able to be with! We were later informed that the fare for the boat would be refunded, and we took a bus to the town of ‘Dürnstein’, the boat’s destination.
Dürnstein is a small walled city with the Dürnstein Abbey and the ruins of Dürnstein Castle. From the bus, we could see the ruins of Dürnstein Castle atop a small hill, exuding a mysterious charm of decay.
The tour guide kept repeating the name ‘Richardshishishin,’ and I, tilting my head in confusion, asked ChatGPT, ‘What is Shishishin?’ It turned out to be ‘Richard the Lionheart.’ (laughs) Dürnstein Castle, built between 1140 and 1145, is the castle where King Richard I of England, known as the Lionheart, was imprisoned during 1192-93. He was captured by Duke Leopold V of Austria on his return from the Third Crusade, due to a grudge from the occupation of Acre.
As for the follow-up story, yesterday, on Day 5, I translated an article into English and shared it during my English conversation lesson by reading it aloud as usual. When it came to ‘Richard the Lionheart,’ it was translated as ‘Richard Lionheart,’ and my online English conversation teacher and I laughed, wondering, ‘Lionheart? Did ChatGPT make a mistake?’ But now, as I write this blog and research King Richard I again, I find that he was indeed called ‘Lionheart,’ which is translated as ‘獅子心王’ (Lionheart King) in Japanese. (laughs) Well done, ChatGPT!
When we stepped into the town of Dürnstein, we were greeted by a surprising silence. There was no sign of convenience stores, let alone any bustle. However, we could see hotel-like passenger ships quietly moving on the Danube River, leaving us to only imagine what the World Heritage cruise would have been like.
After the lavish beauty of Melk Abbey, Dürnstein felt somewhat like a ‘bonus’ in comparison. Walking through the town, I noticed people wearing trekking shoes. Holding walking sticks, they seemed as if trekking in the Alps was a part of their daily routine. Having started mountain climbing last year, I was drawn to them and felt a desire to discover hidden mountains nearby. Despite its small size, Dürnstein exuded a unique atmosphere typical of Alpine countries, with its tranquility and the presence of trekking enthusiasts.
We headed to the monastery in the small medieval castle town, which appeared like a miniature version of Melk Abbey, with similar color schemes. At a corner of the square, a large full-length mirror was installed. As I took a photo of myself in the mirror with my iPhone, other members of the tour group gathered around.
Looking at our reflections in the ordinary mirror, it felt like we had become characters from ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Taking photos of ourselves in the iPhone mirror made it look like a group photo. (laughs) I felt the bond of our group, who missed the cruise, deepening. After visiting the monastery, we strolled through the small town. It had the charming cobblestone paths typical of Europe, but the distinctive feature here was apricots. I thought we would spend some time in a café, but then the tour guide stopped at a certain place.
‘From here, you can go to the ruins of Dürnstein Castle. Those who want to experience what Richard the Lionheart felt, please try climbing up,’ the guide said, announcing the final gathering time. We had about an hour left. I preferred seeing the ruined castle on top of that hill over spending time in a café, especially intrigued by Richard the Lionheart. Together with a group of eight people in their 60s and 70s who were also interested in the Dürnstein Castle ruins, I decided to climb up a bit!

However, as we saw people coming down, we noticed they were all wearing trekking shoes. This made us wonder if such equipment was necessary, but we started our ascent regardless. Yet, we couldn’t see the castle ruins at all, and I became concerned about the stamina and safety of our companions, especially those in their 70s. Leading the group, I asked a person descending how much longer it would take, and they replied, ‘At least another 20 minutes.’ We hadn’t anticipated it would take that long, and I had been continuously recording a time-lapse with my GoPro.
We began to split into two groups: those who decided to turn back and those who continued to climb. I decided to keep going at my own pace. However, the summit we were aiming for was still out of sight, enveloping me in a strange sensation, as if chasing an invisible goal.

Eventually, we reached a spot with an open view. Richard the Lionheart, we did it! The ones who made it up here were me, a woman in her late 50s, and amazingly, a woman in her 70s. Looking down, I could see my mother and the other five members resting halfway up. We waved at each other, and the moment was filled with smiles and joy. ‘This is good enough!’ one of the men exclaimed, which later became a funny story about how everyone was relieved and agreed to stop climbing.(laughs)
In the middle of the photo, you can see my mother sitting, surrounded by our companions. It seemed like they were watching us reach the summit! As I was thinking of heading back, I heard that the lady in her 70s had gone ahead to aim for the very top. Concerned for her safety, I decided to follow her. As always, I prioritize what needs to be done in the moment, without worrying about time. The ruins were now in sight, and all that was left was a steep climb.
And then, we reached the top! I reveled in joy with the madam from our tour and a local lady, exclaiming, ‘We did it!’ (laughs) Of course, it wasn’t as tough as mountain climbing, but considering the madam in her 70s was wearing boots with slight heels, and I had tied my jacket around my waist for the climb, we did quite well in our casual clothes! The madam said, ‘I just kept wondering where the end was and ended up climbing to the top!’ That’s right. I think we managed to climb because we were never told how much of a climb it was. Maybe this is like life. (laughs)
The view from the summit was breathtakingly beautiful, with a comforting sense of the air, filling us with a unique sense of superiority just by standing there. Without the sprightly lady in her 70s, I would not have witnessed this view. Despite the time constraints of the tour, we were so engrossed in the moment that we lost track of time. Finally, we were able to touch the ruins of Dürnstein Castle. Built in the 12th century on a small hill, it makes one wonder how the people of that time constructed such a majestic structure.
Standing in the remaining window frames of the castle wall, I pondered over the stories that transcended time. Did Richard Lionheart gaze upon the Danube River from this very window? How did this river appear to him during his imprisonment? The moment of reaching the summit was filled with nothing but the joy of achievement, but now, as I write this blog, I can feel the sadness, loneliness, and strong will to live that he must have felt here, as if these emotions were etched into the ancient stone walls.
We were looking at the same view as Richard Lionheart, transcending the flow of time. This trip was also a journey of dialogue beyond time. Then, we quickly started descending from the castle ruins, saving even the time to look at the time. On the way down, we met up with my mother. When we reached our goal, our tour companions welcomed us with warm applause.
Show us proof you made it to the top! (laughs)’ a man with a commanding presence joked. Laughing, I showed him the video. ‘It really was true!’ he said, surprised and laughing. The lady in her 70s and I felt like adventurers, akin to Robin Hood.
Then, we proceeded from Dürnstein to our final destination, Vienna (Wien).

Day 5 night to Day 6, to be continued.