バッハが四六時中流れているホテル。A hotel where Bach is playing at all hours.



 It has become my hobby to stay at a hotel somewhere in Tokyo once a month and live-stream the "Captain's Report".

 I stayed at the Hotel Grand Bach Tokyo Ginza. As the name says, Bach music is playing inside the hotel and in the rooms at all hours of the day, keeping the vibrations high. I am writing this blog while listening to Bach in the lobby after checking out.

 部屋はクラシカルな雰囲気で、ベッド側の壁が木製で、重厚感を感じます。ソファーがコーナーに沿って備え付けのようになっていて、ここに座りながら、"The Crown”を3時間くらい視聴していました。自分もバッキンガム宮殿にいるような錯覚がしました。(笑)

 The room has a classical atmosphere, with wooden walls on the bed side, giving a massive ambiance. There is a sofa along the corner, which I sat on and watched "The Crown" for about three hours. I felt like I was in Buckingham Palace. 


 I live-streamed "Captain's Report" from the orange sofa. Thank you to everyone who watched.


 As a four-star hotel, I was surprised at the weight of the room door. It was so thick that I wondered if it might be soundproofed, since the hotel is named after the Bach.


 Last night, I bought coffee rolls at Joan in Ginza Mitsukoshi and a breakfast of boiled eggs at 7-Eleven. Until check-out at 11.00 a.m. I had online English conversation and online sessions in the community. Thanks to Bach, I was able to concentrate on work extremely well. 



 The hotel has a authentic restaurant on the ground floor, and breakfast can be booked even for non-guests! It's time to head back home. Looks like my steam iron has been delivered.